Skilled Researchers

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About Us

The Nigerian Post-Harvest and Food Biotechnology Society (PHFBS) is a dynamic and inclusive community of researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts dedicated to advancing the field of post-harvest science and technology. Our society brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines who are passionate about developing better crops, seeds, and improving harvest practices for farmers.

Our Mission

Overall, the aim of a Post-Harvest and Food Biotechnology Society is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, technologies, and practices that support a sustainable and resilient food system, from farm to fork, through the integration of post-harvest management and biotechnological innovations.

Our Objectives

  1. Research and Development: We are committed to conducting and promoting research that focuses on developing better crops, seeds, and harvest practices. By fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and encouraging the use of advanced technologies, we aim to improve crop quality, enhance yield potential, and minimize post-harvest losses.
  2. Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination: We strive to create a platform for researchers to share their findings, best practices, and innovative techniques related to crop development and post-harvest management. Through conferences, seminars, publications, and online resources, we facilitate the dissemination of knowledge, enabling researchers and farmers to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.
  3. Collaboration and Partnerships: We actively seek collaborations with agricultural organizations, seed companies, farmers, and other stakeholders to promote the development and adoption of improved crop varieties and post-harvest practices. By forging strong partnerships, we can leverage resources, expertise, and networks to accelerate the translation of research into practical solutions for farmers.
  4. Capacity Building: We are dedicated to enhancing the professional development of our members and the wider farming community. We organize training programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives to empower researchers, students, and farmers with the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to optimize crop production, seed development, and post-harvest management.
  5. Advocacy and Policy Influence: The PHSFR advocates for policies and practices that support the development and adoption of better crops, seeds, and post-harvest technologies. We engage with policymakers, agricultural organizations, and stakeholders to promote the importance of research and innovation in improving farmers' livelihoods and global food security.